BCRG Forum Targets


At the BCRG forum in November 2013, a number of targets were established for actions that BCRG could help influence and could be reported against. These were based on the Brooklyn Evolution Strategy Vision and goals. In November 2015 the progress against those targets was reported (see Nov112015 meeting notes).

BCRG’s goals (as developed in 2013) were presented:

  • Industrial and residential areas co-exist with better amenity for people who live and work in the area
  • BIP industries are compliant, appropriate for the area and operate to modern-day standards

In this context, small groups of meeting participants were asked to propose new achievable and measurable targets for BCRG to 2018 in relation to the issues of odour, dust, BCRG meetings and other issues. The targets are important to help the group identify who should come to meetings and what should be reported.

The feedback is listed in the tables below. The contributions have been consolidated, and where necessary amended (in consultation with EPA Victoria) to ensure that targets are deliverable.

Feedback on the following is welcomed – please contact jen@kismetforward.com.au


BCRGtargets2018_table_2 Progress towards these Targets – Nov 2016  (Download pdf)

Targets 2016 a

Targets 2016 b

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