BCRG Community Forum



The Brooklyn Community Representative Group Community Forum (BCRG) is an opportunity for members of the community, industry, local and state government to discuss issues about the air quality of the general Brooklyn area. It also enables the communication of plans and progress by individual industries, local government and EPA. BCRG has been operating as an open forum since 2008.

Further background about BCRG and what it has achieved is detailed in the booklet, BCRG-Background and Achievements Report which was produced in February 2014. (Please note that this document has been produced for printing on A4 and so pages will appear out of order when viewed on the screen.)

BCRG community meetings are to be held three times a year – with additional meetings scheduled as required.  Participation is by open invitation and welcomed. If you are intending to participate we would appreciate you registering with Andrea Mason by emailing eo.bcrg@gmail.com or by phoning her on 0427 338 482 beforehand.

The BCRG Community Forum is facilitated by independent facilitator
Catherine Botta: cbotta@bigpond.com.

Further information about BCRG can be obtained by emailing the Executive Officer, Andrea Mason: eo.bcrg@gmail.com or by phoning her on 0427 338 482.

Forthcoming meetings

BCRG community meetings are generally held from 6:30 – 8:30pm (light refreshments from 6:00pm) Multipurpose rooms 1 and 2 at the Brooklyn Community Hall, Cypress Avenue Brooklyn.

Meetings in 2024

BCRG Community Forum Meeting Notes

For the meeting notes from the BCRG Community Forums click here.

BCRG E-news Updates

For the BCRG enews which provide regular updates on issues relating to noise, dust and odour in Brooklyn throughout the year click here

BCRG Rolling Action lists

For the rolling action list from the BCRG Community Forums click here

BCRG Meeting Targets

A number of targets were established by the members of the BCRG forum for actions that BCRG could help influence and could be reported against. Click here to see these targets and progress towards them.

This page is edited by the Executive Officer of the Brooklyn Community Representative Group.

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