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Nov 13 BCRG Agenda

BCRG Rolling Action lists

The rolling action lists track the actions and responses/implementation of those actions  raised at BCRG community forums. For a full understanding of the intent of these actions they should be read in conjunction with the appropriate BCRG meeting notes.

Rolling Action List BCRG 31_10_24

Rolling Action List BCRG 05_08_24

Rolling Action List BCRG 27_05_24

Rolling Action List BCRG 03_05_24

Rolling Action List BCRG 12_03_24

Rolling Action List BCRG 12_12_23

Rolling Action List BCRG 26_07_23

Rolling Action List BCRG 07_04_23

Rolling Action List BCRG 7_03_23

Rolling Action List BCRG 15_12_22

Rolling Action List BCRG 07_11_22

Rolling Action List BCRG 08_06_22

Rolling Action List BCRG 20_04_2022

Rolling Action List BCRG 03_12_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 25_11_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 28_10_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 23_08_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 29_06_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 15_04_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 01_03_2021

Rolling Action List BCRG 10_12_2020

Rolling Action List BCRG 11_11_2020

Rolling Action List BCRG 03_11_2020

Rolling Action List BCRG 12_08_2020

Rolling Action List BCRG 08_07_2020

Rolling Action List BCRG 13_12_2019

Rolling Action List BCRG 01_11_2019

Rolling Action List BCRG 01_07_2019


Rolling Action List BCRG 10_12_2018

Rolling Action List BCRG 10_07_2018

Rolling Action List BCRG 18_12_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 05_10_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 12_09_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 14_08_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 10_08_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 24_05_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 08_05_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 24_03_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 10_02_2017

Rolling Action List BCRG 14_12_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG 2_11_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG 5_10_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG 10_9_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG26__04_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG21__03_2016

Rolling Action List BCRG30__11_2015

Completed Actions BCRG November 2015

Rolling Action List BCRG_29_10_2015

Rolling Action List BCRG_11_08_2015

Rolling Action List BCRG_11_05_2015

Rolling Action List BCRG_02_03_2015

Rolling Action List BCRG_25022015 (394 KB)

Rolling Action List BCRG_16122014

Rolling Action List BCRG_06112014

Rolling Action List BCRG_09092014

Rolling Action List BCRG_04062014

Rolling Action List BCRG_01052014

Rolling Action List BCRG_13032014

Rolling Action List BCRG_07112013

Rolling Action List BCRG_18092013

This page is edited by the Executive Officer of the Brooklyn Community Representative Group.

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