2012 Updates
BCRG Update 21_2012, revised draft Meeting Notes, Council updates
BCRG Update 20_2012, draft Meeting Notes, BCRG Summary and Rolling Actions 2012
BCRG Update 19_2012, Agenda & EPA Report for Nov 14 Forum
BCRG Update 18_2012, RSVP for Nov 14 Forum_Focus on Dust
BCRG Update 17_2012, Nov 14 Focus on Dust
BCRG Update 16_2012, Brooklyn Planning successes
BCRG Update 15_2012, Cargill Community Update
BCRG Update 14_2012, revised Meeting Notes, Cargill Open Day
BCRG update 13_2012, Meeting notes, Aust Tallow permit update
BCRG update 12_2012, Aug 15 BCRG meeting _EPA Reports
- EPA_NBMG_120725_Brooklyn Roads Dust Assessment_V0 (1MB)
- EPA_NBMG_120725_Brooklyn Roads Dust Abatement Options_V0 (2MB)
- 15082012 BCRG Meeting Supplementary Notes (60kB)
BCRG update 11_2012, Aug 15 BCRG meeting agenda and RSVP
BCRG update 10_2012, VicRoads and DPCD updates, Action list
BCRG update 8_2012, Meeting notes, HBCC letter to EPA, Fed Trail Opening and BRAG News
BCRG update 7_2012, May 16 BCRG meeting agenda and RSVP
BCRG update 6_2012, Calling all Brooklyn Industries, May 16 BCRG meeting
BCRG update 5_2012, Cargill Community Update, Cemetery Road re-construction
BCRG update 4_2012, Cargill Open Day, Brooklyn Community consultation, Meeting notes
BCRG update 3_2012, Meeting notes, Community consultation, Farewell Carey, YOTN news
BCRG update 2_2012, Feb 15 BCRG meeting agenda, RSVP, City West Water fact sheet, Jones Rd drainage
BCRG update 1_2012, Feb 15 BCRG meeting and other dates
As always, the contents of these updates and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.
This page is edited by the Executive Officer of the Brooklyn Community Reference Group.