ResourceCo plans for soil washing facility

A number of residents have drawn our attention to this information regarding an application for a soil washing facility at 125 Bunting Road, Brooklyn.

An excerpt from the letter to residents states:

ResourceCo Material Solutions Pty Ltd (ResourceCo) currently operates a Material Recycling Facility (MRF) at 125 Bunting Road, Brooklyn, Victoria.

ResourceCo is seeking to submit a Development License Application for the addition of a soil washing facility/plant within the existing site. The soil washing plant will enable the facility to process contaminated and potentially contaminated materials (soil, street sweeping and gully eduction waste, and drilling waste).

The process is intended to sufficiently reduce contamination levels to ensure that the material meets ‘Fill’ classification in accordance with EPA Publication 1828.2 and can be reused as a range of processed materials. 

To read the full letter to residents supplied to BCRG click here

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